Your digital signature above is your signed agreement to the below service agreements:
Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement for the Trim Healthy Mama Coaching Program
I, the below signed, expect and intend to participate in Trim Healthy Mama Coaching Program, hereinafter referred to as the program, following the execution of this agreement. Upon signing and submitting this form, I acknowledge that my participation in the program is completely voluntary. I further agree and understand that during the program I specifically agree to comply with all reasonable directions and instructions by my Trim Healthy Mama Coach for the duration of the program. I also certify that I am in adequate physical condition to participate in this program and that I have no known physical conditions which could be worsened or aggravated by my participation.
Due to the nature of this program, I acknowledge that my participation could involve risk of bodily injury, illness, death, property damage, or other risks associated with this program, and I assume full responsibility for such, including, those arising from travel to and from any associated program events. This waiver contemplates a wide range of risks including but not limited to those relating to travel, terrain, weather, eating and sleeping arrangements, and any and all other circumstances relating to the program.
Furthermore, in consideration of the opportunity to participate in the above referred program, with full knowledge and appreciation of the risks involved, and full understanding of the above issues/conditions. I hereby covenant to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Trim Healthy Mama LLC, its owners, officers, employees, coaches, representatives, volunteers, and agents (“Releasees”) from all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, claims, or demands of any nature, including personal injuries, death, damages or property loss resulting from said participation. I specifically intend this waiver to preclude liability caused by the negligence of the Releasees.
I intend this agreement to bind my spouse, family heirs, assigns, and personal representative, and it shall be deemed as a perpetual release, waiver, discharge and covenant not to sue the Releasees.
In signing this agreement, I agree that I have read this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement, understand it, sign it voluntarily, have had the opportunity to have it reviewed by my legal counsel, and hereby agree to be bound by the same. I further attest that I am at least eighteen years old and fully competent; that no oral statements apart from this agreement have been made; and I expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Tennessee, is entered in the State of Tennessee, and shall be governed by Tennessee law. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction located and sitting in Hickman County, Tennessee, and the parties expressly waive the right to trial by jury. The prevailing party to any dispute may recover from the other all expenses incurred, including reasonable attorney’s fees.
Coaching with Joyful Life with KJ, LLC: Release of Liability and Expectation of Services for Joyful Life with KJ
To Whom It May Concern,
I, *name to be added upon digital signature*, hereinafter referred to as the "Client," willingly and voluntarily enter into this Release of Liability and Expectation of Services ("Release") with Joyful Life with KJ, LLC, and its team of coaches, namely Kelly York, Krystal Austin, Kristie Carpenter, Mary Malone, and Susan Hillegeist, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Coaches." The Client acknowledges and agrees to the following terms and conditions:
- Health and Life Coaching Services: The Client understands that the Coaches provide health and life coaching services, which include guidance, support, and strategies aimed at improving the Client's overall well-being, personal development, and lifestyle choices. These services may involve discussions related to physical health, mental health, nutrition, exercise, goal setting, stress management, and other personal development topics.
- Expectations of Services: The Client acknowledges that the Coaches will make reasonable efforts to assist the Client in achieving their goals. However, the Client understands that the effectiveness of the coaching process depends on the Client's commitment, engagement, and willingness to implement suggested strategies.
- Client's Responsibility: The Client acknowledges that the Coaches are not medical professionals and do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The Client is solely responsible for their own physical and mental health and should consult with appropriate medical professionals for any medical concerns.
- Release of Liability: The Client voluntarily assumes all risks associated with participation in the coaching services provided by Joyful Life with KJ, LLC. The Client hereby releases and discharges Joyful Life with KJ, LLC, and its Coaches from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, actions, causes of action, costs, and expenses, whether at law or in equity, whether known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with the coaching services.
- Confidentiality: The Coaches will maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information shared by the Client during coaching sessions, except as required by law or with the Client's express consent.
- Payment and Refunds: The Client agrees to pay the agreed-upon fees for coaching services as determined in advance. Refunds will not be provided.
- Auto-Renewing Monthly Fee Subscription: The Client acknowledges and understands that they might have enrolled in a monthly subscription with the the Coaches, which automatically renews each month until canceled by the Client.
- Termination of Services: Either party may terminate the coaching relationship at any time, with or without cause, by providing written notice to the other party.
- Entire Agreement: This Release of Liability and Expectation of Services constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and Joyful Life with KJ, LLC, and its Coaches, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings, whether oral or written.
By signing this Release, the Client acknowledges that they have read and understood its contents and voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions.
Client's Digital Signature: *Name to be added upon digital signature*
Joyful Life with KJ, LLC
By: KJ York
Title: Owner/CEO